Pickerington Ducks: Danny Wisard*, Caleb Scott+, Mike Shroyer+, Trevor Hervey+, Robby Sexton**
Blazers: Dustion Cox*, Ethan Myers+ Jeff Beall**, Jeff Golding**
Westerville Expos: Connor Brett*, Riley Bullock+, Danny Lawrence+, Jacob Chrysler+**, Brett Griffey+
Sr. Pioneers: Brad Barclay*, Wade Pauley+, Brandon Bush**
Arlington Tigers: Chris Day*, Brayden Callihan, Eric Sims**,
Ohio Phillies: Ronnie Rowley*, Logan Rock+, Caine Whitney**
Columbus Brewers-Micheal Hues*, Brandon Thomas*
Columbus Coyotes- Jacob Muhleman* Trevor Burch**
Cap City Cubs: Tyler Etter*
Columbus Mustangs-Charlie Neel*
* top offensive selection from team
** selected as pitcher
+ selected as position player
Any player who is not able to attend or participate should notify their team manager ASAP. The League may select a replacement player. That replacement player may not be from the same team.