There is no league workout tonight at MVP.
The Central Ohio MABL will host the 2011 workout/draft on Saturday, March 5, 2011. The workout/draft will be held at All Star Family Sports 6124 Busch Blvd. Registration will begin at 10:00 AM. The workout will be from 10:30 - 1:00 PM. The draft will occur at 1:00 PM There is a $25.00 (cash) fee to attend the workout/draft. If drafted to a team, the $25.00 is subtracted from balance of player portion of team fee owed to the league. If a new player is not drafted, player is moved to the waiting list. If player prefers not to be on the waiting list then the money is refunded. If you are interested in playing baseball in 2011 please fill out the new player form on the communication link. Once form is recvd by the league office a workout/draft registration form will be emailed to you. Once you have filled out and emailed back, you will be added to the league distribution list. If you have any further questions please email those to
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