The Central Ohio MABL held a zoom meeting to discuss the current situation and thoughts about the upcoming season once restrictions are lifted or relaxed that would allow baseball to return. 

At this time, the Governor has not released any timeline or guidelines that would allow for baseball to return.  For baseball or any recreational activity to return, the Governor would have to amend his orders on gatherings (currently at ten persons).

The League is looking at the following:

  1. Start and Finish: a full scheduled season
  2. Start and Finish:  a partial scheduled season
  3. Date of no return:  a date on the calendar that does not allow for a season in 2020

Any chance for a return to the field in 2020 is based on:

  1. Lifting of restrictions on recreational activity 
  2. Field Availability
  3.  Time to "get back into baseball" before Opening Day
  4. Player / Team Availability
    • ( how has COVID-19 affected teams and players (health, employment, their family, etc.)

Understand, I want nothing more than the Central Ohio MABL to return to the field this season.  2020 is an important milestone for the league, but the league is at the mercy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current situation. 

The League is following other leagues in the Country to see what their plans are and most are in the same storm as us.  Most leagues have a tentative opening day at the end of May or into June at this point.  Weather and field availability will be huge factors to consider going forward.  

I hope that you and yours are doing well.  For those who do not know, the Governor closed schools for the rest of this school year continuing distance learning.  OHSSA canceled HS baseball (and other spring sports) this year. 
I did contact all coaches of fields that the league uses prior to the recent announcements by the State and OHSSA.  I wanted to give those coaches and athletic directors the courtesy of a few days to let the news and reality of those decisions to set in before I contact them.
Any chance for a return to the field in 2020 is based on:
  1. Lifting of restrictions on recreational activity 
  2. Field Availability
  3.  Time to "get back into baseball" before Opening Day
  4. Player / Team Availability
    • ( how has COVID-19 affected teams and players (health, employment, their family, etc.)
I have been told by a reliable source (although not confirmed), school facilities will be closed until at least what would have been their last day of school (respectively).  If true, this would mean that facilities the league uses may not be available until the last week of May or the first week of June.  If this is the case, Opening Day would have to be delayed again.
Understand, I want nothing more than the Central Ohio MABL to return to the field this season.  2020 is an important milestone for the league, but the league is at the mercy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current situation.  For what it is worth, no league in the country is playing, we are all in the same storm. (I would take last year's rainouts over this situation.  I bet those that complained about rainouts last year will never complain about a rainout again (LOL). 
I anticipate in the next week to 10 days, guidelines on recreational activity will be released and maybe there will be a direction towards returning to the field. 
Charles McCroskey
Central Ohio MABL

For players of the Central Ohio MABL, check in with our team manager.  For those new to the league looking to find a team, keep checking back to site for updated information.
I hope you and yours are doing well.  It has been just over two weeks since my last email to the team manager's laying out a working plan for the 202025thSeason.  
With recent announcements from the Governor to "open" Ohio beginning on May 1st, I suspect a more detailed plan about the upcoming season will come into focus by the end of next week. 

Be safe, stay safe.  I look forward to getting back on the field.  

Governor DeWine issued Stay at Home orders that closed schools along with several other closures until at least through May 1, 2020. 

At this time, the league office is working on a plan to play baseball this season.  It is not known when those orders will be lifted but once they are, it is anticiapted that teams will return to the field.

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