Week One Results:
Coyotes 11 MSBL Braves 2 (Central Ohio MABL 1 Columbus MSBL 0)
Sr. Pios 9 Tigers 6
Ducks 2 Blazers 1
Cubs 15 Mustangs 2
Expos 9 Phillies 1
The Central Ohio MABL opens the 29th season on April 28, 2024.
The following are the results of the league workout / draft from yesterday, April 7, 2024:
1st Round
1) Mustangs: Rubel Perez
2) Brewers: Brandon Thomas
3) Coyotes: Drake Cole
4) Phillies: Joey Sajdyk
5) Cubs: Garrett Davis
6) Mustangs (from Tigers): Curtis Kinnaman
7) Brewers (from Sr. Pioneers): Owen Myers
8) Expos: No Selection
9) Brewers (from Blazers): Nathan Kern
10) Mustangs (from Ducks): Trey May
2nd Round
11) Mustangs: Skyler Honaker
12) Brewers: William Codova
13) Coyotes: Bulmaro Vazques
14) Mustangs (from Phillies): Joey Cheesman
15) Cubs: No selection
16) Mustangs (from Tigers): Casey Jones
17) Ducks: Nathan Tomlin
3rd Round
18) Mustangs: Matthew Zanetos
19) Brewers: Drew Neideffer
20) Coyotes: Tanner Sanders
21) Phillies: No Selection
22) Tigers: No Selection
23) Ducks: Michael Scharbarth
4th Round
24: Mustangs: No Selection
25) Brewers: No Selection
26) Coyotes: Arnold Saylor
27) Ducks: No Selection
5th Round
28) Coyotes: No Selection
Picks by Team
Mustangs: 7
Brewers: 5
Coyotes: 4
Phillies: 1
Cubs: 1
Ducks: 2
Tiger: 0
Expos: 0
Blazers: 0
Sr. Pioneers: 0
The players remaining on the draft eligible list are now free agents- Any team who might need a player, may contact those free agents in an effort to add a player to their roster-
The Central Ohio MABL is hosting the league workout TODAY (April 7, 2024) at Grove City HS (4665 Hoover Rd, Grove City, OH 43123) from 0930-1200.
Depending on how many new players attend, the workout may evolve into a live scrimmage. This is the league workout bringing teams (who are looking to add players to their roster) with new players to the league-
The actual draft of new players will take place later this evening- If a player is drafted by a team, that player will be contacted by the team that drafted them.
Attending the workout is the best way to get drafted by a team- Some of you have already rsvp for the workout, but if you have not and you plan on attending, it is requested to send an email (I am just looking for number of players attending this morning).
Players can expect to throw, catch, and run. This is a wood bat league- Players should wear comfortable clothing.
No metal cleats are allowed on the turf field. Players can wear turf, molded cleats or tennis shoes.
Players should bring their glove, helmet if they have, catchers gear (if a catcher and have), wood bat (if you have).
No seeds on the turf
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