The Central Ohio MABL retained the Presidents Cup with a record of 16-6 vs. teams of the Columbus MSBL. Congratulations to the teams of the Central Ohio MABL.
Playoff Schedule Week One: September 18, 2022
(standings thru games played 8-28-2022)
1 Dugout Baseball bye-ND Champ
2 Columbus Kings bye-AD Champ
3 Westerville Expos bye-WC
13 Columbus Mustangs vs. 4 Worthington Tigers
12 Columbus Commodores vs. 5 Ohio Pirates
11 Columbus Brewers vs. 6 Ohio Blue Jays
10 Gahanna Bananas vs. 7 Zanesville Sr. Pioneers
9 Columbus Coyotes vs. 8 Columbus Barracudas
A few teams moved up/down in standings after games played 8-28-2022
Kings 6 Barracudas 2
Kings 3 Tigers 0
Dugout 3 Tigers 2
Expos 7 Coyotes 0
Blue Jays 7 Pirates 4
Bananas 17, 18 Mustangs 3, 0
Pioneers 9, 5 Commodores 1, 4
September 18, 2022: Playoff Schedule Week One (as of standings 8-27-2022)
1 Dugout Baseball bye-ND Champ
2 Worthington Tigers bye-AD Champ
3 Westerville Expos bye-WC
13 Columbus Mustangs vs. 4 Columbus Kings
12 Gahanna Bananas vs. 5 Ohio Pirates
11 Columbus Commodores vs. 6 Ohio Blue Jays
10 Columbus Brewers vs. 7 Zanesville Sr. Pioneers
9 Columbus Coyotes vs. 8 Columbus Barracudas
How will the standings change over the next few Sundays as teams finish their regular seasons.
All regular season games have been scheduled (check your team schedule on the team pages). The first round of the playoffs have been delayed until September 18, 2022. Any games not played due to to weather between now and 9-11-2022 will not be re-scheduled unless both teams agree to re-schedule/play by September 14, 2022.
Teams will be seeded for 2022 Tournament by record, win % (if team did not get all 21 regular season games played (due to weather), head to head, run differential (only between two teams), division record.
Playoff Seeding : after Week 16 (as of August 21, 2022)
- Dugout Baseball (bye-National Division) 18-1 **
- Worthington Tigers (bye- American Division) 14-3
- Westerville Expos (bye- Wildcard) 15-3
- Columbus Kings 12-4
- Ohio Pirates 11-8
- Ohio Blue Jays 9-7
- Zanesville Sr. Pioneers 8-8
- Columbus Barracudas 8-10 *
- Columbus Coyotes 8-10
- Columbus Brewers 6-14
- Columbus Commodores 5-12
- Gahanna Bananas 5-14
- Columbus Mustangs 0-17
*= owns tiebreaker
**= clinched first round bye
It is the goal of the League to get all regular season games played prior to the playoffs. While the playoffs are still scheduled to begin on September 11, the playoffs may be delayed in order for teams to complete their regular seasons.
Schedules may be revised with changes to dates/fields/times/opponents based on several factors that could lead to getting games played.
Central Ohio MABL 15
Columbus MSBL 6
Playoff Seeding : after Week 15 (August 14, 2022)
- Dugout Baseball (bye-National Division) 17-1
- Worthington Tigers (bye- American Division) 14-3
- Westerville Expos (bye- Wildcard) 14-3
- Columbus Kings 12-4
- Ohio Pirates 11-7
- Ohio Blue Jays 8-7 *
- Zanesville Sr. Pioneers 8-7
- Columbus Barracudas 8-9
- Columbus Coyotes 8-10
- Columbus Brewers 6-13
- Columbus Commodores 5-12
- Gahanna Bananas 4-14
- Columbus Mustangs 0-17
The weather forecast does not look favorable 24 hours prior to scheduled game times. It is Ohio, so that could change. Field updates will be provided as soon as issues are known. Teams should be prepared for delays or if a field is not playable, be prepared to move to an alternative site and or time.
The remainder of the regular season schedule has been updated and is listed. A few games are listed as TBD. Fields and Times are still being confirmed and will be updated as soon as possible. Teams are reminded to check their schedule weekly in the event of a field or time change.
The playoffs are still planned to begin on September 11, 2022.
- Dugout Baseball (bye-National Division)
- Worthington Tigers (bye- American Division)
- Westerville Expos (bye- Wildcard)
- Ohio Pirates
- Columbus Kings
- Zanesville Sr. Pioneers
- Columbus Coyotes
- Columbus Barracudas
- Ohio Blue Jays
- Columbus Commodores
- Columbus Brewers
- Gahanna Bananas
- Columbus Mustangs
Central Ohio MABL 14
Columbus MSBL 6
Mother Nature 21
Re-Schedule 1
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