Due to a school levy failure the league can not use Grove City or Westland. Upper Arlington and Pickerington Central are no longer available due to Legion Baseball. Coffman, Scioto, Thomas Worthington, Worthington Christian, New Albany are being used when the league has dates available.
The schedule will be updated on the web site as soon as fields are confirmed
The Titans/Cubs DH scheduled on Sunday, May 17, 2009 has been moved from Grove City HS to Thomas Worthington HS. Game 1 of the DH will begin at 1:30 PM.
As of the time of this message all games are on as scheduled except the 45's/Cubs DH has been moved to Independence High School due to a conflict at Westland. The Bobcats/Privateers DH will not be played at Grove City, due to field conditions. As of right now I am trying to find a location for this DH--
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