The Central Ohio MABL will be tested over the next several weeks (June 23, June 30, July 7 and July 14) in getting games played.  Circumstances/issues that may affect the league schedule are: weather, field availability/conditions, umpire availability.  For those who do not know, I am scheduling umpires for both Central Ohio MABL and Columbus MSBL.  I chose to do this in an effort not to compete with the Columbus MSBL in obtaining umpires but also I believe that RF #38 would have done the same for me. 
While the league navigates the rest of the 2024 season, your flexibility and patience is requested.  I understand players make plans for other things and they do so around what time their team game or games are scheduled.  Once a game is scheduled, the league prefers not to make any changes to the schedule, but based on circumstances that are out of league control,  changes are going to occur.  When a change in schedule is necessary (whether time or field), the league will give teams as much notice as possible but remember that games are played on Sundays and as a member of the Central Ohio MABL, you and your team need to be prepared to play game(s) on Sunday.  Each team has a roster of at least 18 players or more.  You need at least 8 to play a game (could pick up a player from another team for 9).  Play with who are available.  With 10 teams and 205 players, I guarantee the league did not make everyone happy with their original schedule and guarantee the league won't make everyone happy if a schedule change occurs.  
If your players can not be patient and flexible, there is an alternative solution in dealing with these circumstances/issues that the league continues to face:  No League-  29 years is a pretty good run doing anything.
I am sure there is someone out there who has fostered better baseball relationships with fields, umpires and mother nature over the their years who could step right in and solve these issues that I continue to deal with. 
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