The following are the results of the league workout / draft from yesterday, April 7, 2024:
1st Round
1) Mustangs: Rubel Perez
2) Brewers: Brandon Thomas
3) Coyotes: Drake Cole
4) Phillies: Joey Sajdyk
5) Cubs: Garrett Davis
6) Mustangs (from Tigers): Curtis Kinnaman
7) Brewers (from Sr. Pioneers): Owen Myers
8) Expos: No Selection
9) Brewers (from Blazers): Nathan Kern
10) Mustangs (from Ducks): Trey May
2nd Round
11) Mustangs: Skyler Honaker
12) Brewers: William Codova
13) Coyotes: Bulmaro Vazques
14) Mustangs (from Phillies): Joey Cheesman
15) Cubs: No selection
16) Mustangs (from Tigers): Casey Jones
17) Ducks: Nathan Tomlin
3rd Round
18) Mustangs: Matthew Zanetos
19) Brewers: Drew Neideffer
20) Coyotes: Tanner Sanders
21) Phillies: No Selection
22) Tigers: No Selection
23) Ducks: Michael Scharbarth
4th Round
24: Mustangs: No Selection
25) Brewers: No Selection
26) Coyotes: Arnold Saylor
27) Ducks: No Selection
5th Round
28) Coyotes: No Selection
Picks by Team
Mustangs: 7
Brewers: 5
Coyotes: 4
Phillies: 1
Cubs: 1
Ducks: 2
Tiger: 0
Expos: 0
Blazers: 0
Sr. Pioneers: 0
The players remaining on the draft eligible list are now free agents- Any team who might need a player, may contact those free agents in an effort to add a player to their roster-
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