The Webster Dictionary's definition of Sportsmanship is conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport.
Right now you are asking yourself why I am posting this. The week of 5/9 at two different ballparks (four teams) sportsmanship went out the window. At one game, a player was ejected for arguing balls and strikes, and then words were spoken to the umpire that were across the line. At the other game it was called by the umpires in 6th inning because of the banter back in forth, as well as other things occurring.
Rule 28 B of the Central Ohio MABL states The league has the right to suspend, fine, or expel any team member who abuses league rules or who does not exhibit a sense of SPORTSMANSHIP or who plays without regard to the safety of the umpires or other players.
Each player signs the Player contract which specifically says-
I agree to participate in accordance with policies, rules, and regulations of the CO/MABL, and agree to have my actions as a participant reviewed by the league president and I agree to be subject to fines and penalties, including suspension from participation in the activities of the CO/MABL. _____ (Initials).
Just because a player has paid his fees to participate in the league, a player does not have the right to conduct himself in manner that is disrespectful to the other team, the game or the umpires. I am not sure what motivated the events of 5/9, other than to say there is more parity in the league, and competitive juices are higher. Teams are expected to have a certain level of competitiveness during a game and umpires expect a certain level of disagreement in calls they make, but there is a line that was crossed not once but twice yesterday. And that is only what I have heard about to this point. I should not be getting phone calls from the individual umpires about one player's or teams conduct on the field. This is a GAME!, nothing more. I had two umpires that stated if control is not restored to the field, either by myself, the manager, or the individual player we will not have any umpires because no umpire will want to work games. The comment from some will be then get new umpires. That is not an option. The excellent umpires do not want to work our games because of the all the talk back and forth. Then we get decent umpires who are working the games and they do not want to come back, and the only thing left is the bad umpires which will make things worse. It is a cycle, but it has got to change with the players.
If there is an issue with an umpire the only one speaking to the umpire should be the manager, and if you continue to have an issue with an umpire let me know and I will take it up with the UIC. We can not continue on the path that was started yesterday.
Let me also say that it is not everyone, it is a handful of players and each team has one or two who make it bad for everyone. The league got a black eye from the conduct of a few yesterday. I do not want to suspend or expel any player, but if that is what it is going to take to make a change, then maybe that will be the strongest message.
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