The following fields and times have been assigned:
Berliner Field 14-
11:00 AM: Tigers vs. Bison
2:00 PM: Pirates vs. Tigers
Berliner Field 15-
12:00 PM: Barracudas vs. Padres
Berliner Field 15-
12:00 PM: Barracudas vs. Padres
2:30 PM: Padres vs. Barracudas
Berliner Field 16-
10:00 AM: Fire vs. Latins
1:00 PM: Bearcats vs. Coyotes
3:30 PM: Coyotes vs. Bearcats
Berliner Field 17-
11:00 AM: Rays vs. Expos
2:00 PM: Kings vs. Blue Jays
- NO METAL CLEATS: Period! Turfs, Tennis Shoes or molded cleats are good- Wear a mask when not on the field of play. Berliner does not consider dugout the field of play so when in dugout, wear a face covering. No seeds, tobacco, etc. Players need to follow these rules to ensure we can continue using the fields and ensure the season gets completed. 
- For Games at Berliner Sports Park: All fields have turf infields. Metal Cleats are not permitted. No sunflower seeds, glass containers, vehicles, pets, open flames, flammable liguids, heaters of any kind, tobacco products, unapproved athletic equipment. Violation of any rules, regulations or park pollcies may result in the forfeiture, fine or rejection of the use of field or fields.
- Due to lack of fields, mother nature and the goal of completing the 2020 season, all players are to follow rules laid out for specific fields that teams played out. Any player/team in violation of any rule may be suspended from games or the league especially if the violation costs the league use of fields.
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