I hope all is well with you and yours. I know that players are wanting to get back on the field and get the season started.
The Governor has stated he will form an advisory group to look into sports and recreational activities. While the league has not heard anything specific, the current order prohibits organized recreational sports leagues until May 29, 2020, unless that order is amended. In addition, an order exists that school buildings are closed until June 30, 2020. The league has reached out to the fields that the league uses for clarification if actual field/facilities are too closed in conjunction with the order on school buildings. This is an important factor in determining when the league can resume. Without field availability, the league is limited in its ability to resume baseball activity.
While today was scheduled to be Opening Day for the Central Ohio MABL 202025thSeason and due to the current situation had to be delayed, based on the information the league has recently received and read, it appears that the Central Ohio MABL 202025thSeason will be delayed further. There is not a "set" date, but based on current orders and pending those being lifted, amended, or left to expire, it now appears Opening Day will be delayed into June and maybe further.
There seemed to be a consensus amongst team managers that once the league is able to resume, that the league has a transition period back to the field (zero to baseball) of two to four weeks. Within that transition period, the League would prepare/release the final game schedule, collect waivers/fees and hold workout/draft for new players. Teams would start to practice/scrimmage, collect waivers/fees and prepare for the 202025thSeason Opening Day. Whether or not that transition period is 2-4 weeks will be based largely on when the league is able to resume.
The league is working on a plan to resume, but until more information is known, it is futile. The league is hopeful that more information and direction is released in the next couple of weeks.
Several teams stated in a recent zoom mg. mtg that they had players who were practicing/working out, understand that activity is not considered an official league event. Further, if you or your players visit any fields/facilities that the league uses, it has not nor is it, league-approved. In no way should your team/players possibly jeopardize the league's ability to use those fields/facilities in the future. The league is trying to gain approval in order to resume baseball activities and it must be clear to those who have or will continue to practice in violation of existing orders issued.
ENjoy this Sunday and make the best of it!
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