The Central Ohio MABL will hold their annual workout/draft on Saturday, March 4, 2006. The workout will start at 12 PM and last about two hours. Any teams registered for the 2006 season will draft players after the conclusion of the workout.
The workout/draft will be held at Centennial High School. The workout/draft will be held regardless of weather. Centennial High School is located at 1441 Bethel Road.
Interested new players should fill out the New Player form under the Communication Link. New players to the league should attend the workout/draft. The cost to enter the workout/draft will be $25.00- If you are drafted the $25.00 will go towards your share of the team fee. If you are not drafted the $25.00 will be refunded to you. The best chance for a new player to play BASEBALL this year is by attending this workout/draft
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